
Case Summaries

We have summarized all reported Social Security and SSI cases decided by the federal District Courts, the Circuit Courts of Appeals, and the U.S. Supreme Court since 1990. Beginning in 2022, only decisions from the Circuit Courts of Appeal and U.S. Supreme Court are included.

The case summaries:

  • Show what arguments attorneys made in cases and what the results were
  • Help members find support for a proposition that would show the ALJ or federal District Court or Circuit Court of Appeals that their client is disabled
  • Help members find general trends in a particular circuit

View the list of available topics

If you wish to mail in an order form instead of purchasing online, download the case law summaries purchase order form.

Court and Administrative Decisions

Available Materials are submitted by NOSSCR members. Because administrative hearing and Appeals Council decisions are never published, ordering from NOSSCR is one of the few ways to see these decisions. The court cases provided are usually unpublished decisions, though some may later be published. These decisions can provide representatives with successful arguments and tips that another NOSSCR member used in the same situation.

Please reference the item number you wish to purchase in the box below:

These decisions can be purchased as hard copies (sent via mail) or PDFs (sent via email) priced per item:

  • Regular members: $5 per item
  • Sustaining members: $4 per item
  • Non-members: $7.50 per item
Listing of Impairments Subscription

Each year the Social Security Administration anticipates revising several Listings of Impairments. To keep you current with these revisions, NOSSCR offers an online-based subscription containing the Listing of Impairments for Adults, Listing of Impairments for Children, the Medical-Vocational Guidelines (Grids), a list of the Compassionate Allowances, and selected Social Security Rulings.

NEW THIS YEAR: All subscribers will have access to a password protected, “subscribers only” website containing the most recent version of this important material. Best of all, there is no updating process on your end! Whenever there is an update to any of the listings/grids content, you will be sent an email notifying you of this, which will include an explanation of all of the specific changes made. By ordering NOSSCR’s subscription, you will always receive all changes as soon as they occur.

Subscriptions run from January – December, regardless of when they are purchased. In addition to the current texts, NOSSCR will provide you with prompt service whenever a change occurs throughout the year. The charge for updates within the current calendar year is included in the subscription price. You will receive an email whenever there is an update to any of the listings/grids content, which will notify you of all of the specific changes made.

The mock hearing allows you to see in practice everything you’ve learned about in the earlier hearing track sessions. Learn about all aspects of an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) disability hearing from start to finish, including how to give an effective opening statement with your theory of the case, how to question your client and make the most out of his/her testimony, how to effectively question the vocational expert to rule out any suitable jobs based on your client’s specific impairments, and how to give a persuasive closing statement based on the Social Security rules and regulations that will leave the ALJ with no choice but to find your client disabled!
Free for members; $100 for non-members.
Anniversary Items

Anniversary Items